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{{pricing.selectedPlan.artist}} artists

Major Labels

{{pricing.selectedPlan.realPrice | mycurrencyformat : 'en'}}
${{pricing.offer ? (pricing.selectedPlan.realPrice - ( (pricing.offer.percentage / 100) * pricing.selectedPlan.realPrice )).toFixed(2).toString().split(".")[0] : pricing.selectedPlan.price}}{{(pricing.selectedPlan.realPrice - ( (pricing.offer.percentage / 100) * pricing.selectedPlan.realPrice )).toFixed(2).split(".")[1]}}99
/ mo


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{{pricing.selectedQuote.artist}}- {{pricing.selectedQuote.signature}}

All plans include


Track your song performance and digital royalties in real-time.


Track your performance to see how you rank.

ShineX Leaderboard

Keep an eye on hot new artists top songs of the week.

ShineX Radar

Get notified the moment your new songs start playing.

Full history

Look back in time so you don't miss a single spin.

Analysis tools

Crunch your data to get valuable insights in just seconds.

Real-Time Tracking

Start tracking your songs the moment they're broadcast.

Premium Support

Dedicated customer support. Get all the help you need. Anywhere, anytime.

ShineX Helps Artists Thrive

Trusted by hundreds of artists and music industry professionals

Thanks to ShineX, I found out I had $12,500 in royalties waiting for me on SoundExchange for a misidentified song.

When I signed up for ShineX, I discovered that three of my songs were spinning on satellite radio, but I wasn't getting paid for them.

It turns out they weren't listed under my artist name in SoundExchange. They had been accidentally listed under my legal name instead.

So I claimed them on SoundExchange and got a back payment for $12,500. Plus, now I’m getting paid royalties for these songs every month.

I would never have known if it hadn't been for ShineX!

P.P. - Artist

If I hadn’t tried ShineX when I did, a big chunk of my royalties would be gone forever.

Some people don’t know this, but you have to claim your royalties from SoundExchange within 36 months, or you won’t get paid.

When I signed up for ShineX, it told me that I had songs spinning on satellite radio that I didn’t know about. And I had royalties waiting.

I needed to claim my songs with SoundExchange before the deadline. Luckily, I was able to claim them just in time, and they paid me.

I almost missed out. But ShineX told me everything I needed to know. Thank you, ShineX! You saved me.

A.D. - Artist

I didn’t know I was missing out on thousands of dollars in royalties. Then I tried ShineX.

When I subscribed to ShineX, right away I found out that one of my songs had gotten hundreds of spins on satellite radio. That was the first I’d heard of it.

But when I claimed my song on SoundExchange, there was a problem. My old distributor had claimed my song previously, from the day it started spinning. That meant my distributor was getting paid all of the royalties that should have been coming to me.

I eventually got it worked out and they paid me everything. But without ShineX, I never would have found out. The distributor would still be taking my money today!

J.C. - Artist

When I first earned $12,000 in royalties for my album, I thought, whoa, that's a ton of money. Then I subscribed to ShineX and found out that I should've been paid $92,000!

ShineX tracks all of my spins and royalties coming from satellite radio. That’s how I found out that my manager was taking 87% of the money from SoundExchange and only paying me a fraction of what I was owed.

Before now, there was no way to know that my manager was ripping me off. But now I could see the data.

Thanks to ShineX, I found out the truth. I fired my manager and got all of my money back. Now I produce everything myself and keep 100% of the royalties.

H.H. - Artist

These ShineX Radar alerts are amazing. They literally changed my life.

My album came out right when COVID-19 hit. Everything got canceled. I couldn't play anywhere. I had spent all of my money making the album, and I felt like I had lost a year of my life. All that hard work and sacrifice, all for nothing. I got really depressed.

Four months later I got a ShineX Radar alert that my songs had started playing on satellite radio. It almost made me cry. I knew what it meant. It was like the clouds parted and the sun came shining through.

That first month, my songs got 60 spins and generated close to $3,000. I was fantastically happy.

Today, the album is paid for, I'm making money with my music, and I'm back in the studio doing another album.

F.G. - Artist


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We want you to be completely satisfied with ShineX. If not, simply cancel within 30 days and automatically get a full refund. No questions asked!

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ShineX can be all yours for FREE!

The free trial has all of the value-packed features and any 2 artists you want to track.


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